Fixed-Diameter Hole Opener | SLB

Fixed-Diameter Hole Opener

Continuous cutter cleaning and debris clearing to help you drill longer intervals

Close up image of the fixed-hole opener.

The fixed-diameter hole opener is designed for use in soft clays and shales to medium-hard shales and limestones. The technology is particularly effective in sticky formations where balling problems are encountered. Three jets with replaceable nozzles continuously clean the tool’s cutting structure, clearing debris buildup and increasing penetration.

Range of features for drilling soft to medium-hard and sticky formations

A range of milled tooth and TCI cutting structures are available for a variety of formation conditions. The fixed-diameter hole opener is available in sizes 17 1/2 to 42 in, with hand-tool-demountable cutters that are easily replaced on the rig floor. Tools for hole sizes of 36 in or more are designed with four arms and cutters. The robust design and construction enable drilling longer intervals.

Illustration of a fixed-hole opener.